Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Lie or a Lie

A lie is defined as, a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive.

Or a lie can be a truth. As in: If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will come to believe it yourself.

A lie can also be much more believable than a truth. Why have the truth get in the way when a lie can be much easier.

And when the lie coincides with what a person or a group of people knows to be true and supports it. Then the lie is welcomed with open arms by the people.
That lie is called propaganda.

Propaganda has been used throughout human history mostly in religion and especially politics. And in the 20th century propaganda was used more often, than in any other century, to sell a lie to the masses.
The ease in which information was disseminating to the masses came in the form of radio, newspapers, and movies. Than after 1950 television was also used.

Now we are in the 21st century and the masses are subject to a new way of disseminating information, the internet.

The internet with cooperation from social media, either knowingly or unknowingly, has propagated misinformation.
And politics is the one arena where misinformation is used and praised.
Unscrupulous politicians with or without help from government agencies make use of the internet to mislead, corrupt and divide the people.

You can believe what you want to believe. From whatever source the information comes from. But even if you believe your source unless it is verified as true than it is a lie or at best misinformation.

I do not support, condone or recommend anything said or done by Joseph Goebbels.

“That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result. It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent; its task is to lead to success”. Joseph Goebbels

Propaganda is also known by another name, public relations.

This is all I have to say on this subject.

Sheilah Say
February 7, 2018

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