Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Echoes of Disposability

In the city streets, where shadows linger,
The remnants of consumption whisper,
Echoes of disposability resound,
A society's waste scattered all around.

From high-rise towers to humble abodes,
Trail of discarded dreams and corroding loads,
Disposables of convenience, once cherished,
Now abandoned, forgotten, and tarnished.

Plastic bottles, paper cups in disarray,
Witnesses of our throwaway way,
The cleanup duty left for another day,
Walk past, indifference leads the way.

What have we become in this modern age,
Where disposability is the prevailing stage.
Will future generations bear the weight,
Of our neglect, our disregard, and our fate.
by, Sheilah Say

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Seeking Vengeance (Evil Walks)

In the depths of despair,
Where shadows linger.
Doubts whisper cruelly,
And despondency blooms.

As tiny seeds in hard soil,
Pushes up against all odds.
As its roots gather resolve,
A new strength has grown.

It is the quiet strength,
That refuses to be broken.
There is unwavering spirit,
In the face of adversity.

Despite storms that rage,
And those trials that test.
Resilience still endures,
And as a beacon of hope.

Perseverance is existence,
And resilience is survival.
The essence of all this,
Is the Unyielding spirit.
by, Sheilah Say

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Once Had, Now Gone (Time Heals)

Once, I held you tight,
No longer is this true.

Once, I felt your warmth,
Now, only the cold.

Once, I knew we were one,
Now, you are gone.

Once, we had it all,
Now, a distant memory.

Once, you were my light,
Now, it is just dark.

And now, I am alone.
by, Sheilah Say

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Unyielding Spirit (Persistence)

In the depths of despair,
Where shadows linger.
Doubts whisper cruelly,
And despondency blooms.

As tiny seeds in hard soil,
Pushes up against all odds.
As its roots gather resolve,
A new strength has grown.

It is the quiet strength,
That refuses to be broken.
There is unwavering spirit,
In the face of adversity.

Despite storms that rage,
And those trials that test.
Resilience still endures,
And as a beacon of hope.

Perseverance is existence,
And resilience is survival.
The essence of all this,
Is the unyielding spirit.
by, Sheilah Say

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Jungle (As it unfolds)

On a city street at a weary pace,
Endless concrete, echoes in space.
The world outside is a blur of gray,
Thoughts there will always stray.

In perpetual haze of doubt and dread,
The body yearns for a clearing ahead.
Just a refuge from the noise and pain,
A haven where sanity and peace remain.

But like a mirage, it always slips away,
Leaving dust in an endless noisy day.
The way ahead is a never-ending road,
Carrying an ever-increasing heavy load.

Trying to push through driving pain,
In cities of gray, through a city vain.
Only seeking solace along with peace,
Respite from life's ceaseless no release.
by, Sheilah Say